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Huining joined NC State CSC department and will teach CSC 591/791 Mobile Health Systems and Applications in Fall 2024. Welcome to take my course!


Huining is honored to receive the Harold O. Wolf Achievement Award (highest graduate achievement award) from UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Thanks to my advisor! Thanks UB CSE!


Huining Li passed dissertation defense. Thanks to all the people who have supported me to finish my Ph.D. degree!


Huining is named among the EECS Rising Stars in 2023.


Our MindVoice project won the IEEE EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) award. The project will enhance voice user interface for older adults with cognitive disabilities.


Huining served as the research project mentor at Computer Science Club in Williamsville East High School.


Our work “Hearing Heartbeat from Voice: Towards Next Generation Voice-User Interfaces with Cardiac Sensing Function” is selected as one of the 2022 ACM SenSys Best Paper Award Candidates (7 out of 209).


Our interdisciplinary work on smartphone-based ulcer care won the 2022 ACM SenSys Best Poster Paper Award Runner-up (2 out of 35).


Huining gave a Lightning Talk about a Privacy-Preserving Mobile Companion Diagnostic Tool for Treatment Effectiveness Monitoring at NSF-NIH Smart and Connected Health workshop.


Huining received the IEEE TCI (Technical Committee on the Internet) Travel Award from IEEE/ACM CHASE conference.


Our work ``The Visual Accelerometer’’ won the Best Student Paper Award (2 out of 109) in IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics (ICHI’22).


Huining received the 2022 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing scholarship.


Huining passed Ph.D. qualifying exam


Huining served as the Digital Support Co-Chair at 2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human Systems Design and Implementation (CPHS'22).


Huining gave a Pitch Talk about Non-contact Assessment of Pressure Ulcer using Magic Smartphone at Western New York Panasci Competition.


Huining won the 2021 UB Blackstone LaunchPad ideas competition.


Huining received Best Design Honorable Mention in ACM SIGDA University Demonstration at the 58th Design Automation Conference, 2021.


Huining received the NSF Student Travel Award from IEEE/ACM CHASE conference.


Huining led a student team to win the Best Design Award Runner-up in the 2021 IEEE Healthcare Summit (IHS) COVID-19 Data Hackathon (Sensor Informatics Track).


Our work “Anomalous Pattern Recognition in Vital Health Signals via Multimodal Fusion” won the Best Paper Award in the 2021 EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNet'21).


Huining served as the research project mentor at NSF REU site at UB.


Huining presented our work ``VocalPrint’’ Exploring A Resilient and Secure Voice Authentication via mmWave Biometric Interrogation" at 2020 ACM SenSys.


Huining officially joined UB CSE Ph.D. program under the supervision of Prof. Wenyao.


Our research work on mmWave-scannable paper tagging received the Best Paper Award from the 2019 ACM SenSys Conference (1 out of 144).


Huining visited Prof. Wenyao’s research lab. A marvelous research expedition into the realm of mobile computing has commenced.
